Kali the Mother by Sister Nivedita
Kali the Mother by Sister Nivedita
Pre-Loved paperback
"Margaret E. Noble was an Irish woman who was converted to Hinduism by the noted Indian Guru Vivekananda during the Victorian era. Under the name Sister Nivedita she devoted her life to selflessly serving the poor of India, particularly women, in Calcutta, providing education and medical care. This is a short book of essays which she wrote dedicated to the Hindu Goddess Kali. Also at this site by Sister Nivedita are Studies from an Eastern Home, and The Web of Indian Life." (Quote from sacred-texts.com)
Table of Contents:
Publisher's Preface; Concerning Symbols; The vision Of Siva; Two Saints Of Kali; The Voice Of The Mother; A visit To Dukineshwar; An Intercession; The Story Of Kali; Kali The Mother
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Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, Esoteric and Mythology. www.forgottenbooks.org
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