The Complete Idiot's Guide to Ghosts and Hauntings by Tom Ogden
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Ghosts and Hauntings by Tom Ogden
Pre-Loved Paperback
A Halloween favorite spooks up a new and expanded edition. A unique guide to the world of the paranormal, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Ghosts and Hauntings is a perennial favorite. Now updated, revised, and expanded with new information on ghost hunting and observing, this new edition includes new tips on gathering and recording paranormal data, and a new section devoted to “faking it”—showing readers how to haunt their own houses to amuse and bewilder friends. Expanded appendixes featuring new Internet sites devoted to the paranormal, as well as modern-day “haunted houses” open to the public Additional information on the origin of spiritualism and its followers Strong seller for Halloween season Completely reorganized for easier reading and referencing