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Simon & Schuster

Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero by Chris Matthews

Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero by Chris Matthews

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What was he like?€Jack Kennedy said the reason people read biography is to answer that basic question. With the verve of a novelist, Chris Matthews gives us just that. We see this most beloved president in the company of friends. We see and feel him close-up, having fun and giving off that restlessness of his. We watch him navigate his life from privileged, rebellious youth to gutsy American president. We witness his bravery in war and selfless rescue of his PT boat crew. We watch JFK as a young politician learning to play hardball and watch him grow into the leader who averts a nuclear war.What was he like, this person whose own wife called him €œthat elusive, unforgettable man€? The Jack Kennedy you discover here wanted never to be alone, never to be bored. He loved courage, hated war, lived each day as if it were his last.Chris Matthews€™s extraordinary biography is based on personal interviews with those closest to JFK, oral histories by top po

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